I need a solution
I know that a problem such as mine has already been discussed but I have a problem, I would like to move my 2000 clients from one SEPM 11 to another new SEPM 12. I use the following script as startup in a computer GPO :
if exist C:\Softs\sep_12_transfert\transfert4.txt GOTO END set sylink=\\server\share$\SEP12_Transfert\Ma_societe_Postes_utilisateurs_sylink.xml set sylinkdrop=\\server\share$\SEP12_Transfert\SylinkDrop_1.exe :: verification si Windows 2000 ver | find /i "Windows 2000" > nul if %errorlevel%==0 ( copy /Y %sylink% "%ProgramFiles%\Symantec Antivirus\" ) else %sylinkdrop% -silent -p password %sylink% mkdir C:\Softs\sep_12_transfert\ echo "OK_3" > C:\Softs\sep_12_transfert\transfert4.txt :END
My GPO seems to work (the file "transfert4.txt appear) but the client is never moved and I use the sylink.xml as explained in this photo :
And I search to move my computers in "ordinateursTest" OU from old SEPM to the new... but no one is never moved.
Isn't there a legacy between an directory and his "sub-OU" ?