Good morning!
This morning I upgraded SEPM from 12.1.1000.157 to 12.1.4013.4013. I needed to do this before I could add Win8 PC's to our network and have them protected. The upgrade has now completed.
I went to add the 32-bit client install pkg and it told me that I already had one installed (old one). Do I delete the old one first before adding the new 32-bit pkg? Do I also add the 64-bit client install pkg and will it upgrade appopriately per the PC? (I currently have 32-bit & 64-bit on our network but seem to only have the 32-bit client pkg listed.)
A couple other questions...
1) As I was ending the upgrade, screen said I should install the client on the server (either Full or Basic) do I tell if this has been done OR where do I do that at? Not sure I did this the last time I upgraded (~ 2012).
2) Along with all the files I downloaded to do the install there was a setup.exe file in the _Part2 Tools_EN zip file. Does that need to be run?
3) The LUSetup.exe - is this the file I need to use when adding new PC's in the future? If not, do I need to do something with this?
4) Assuming all setup files can be deleted from my server once I've finished the upgrade and clients upgraded.
Sorry to ask so many questions...I'm a 1-person IT shop at a church. I have to muddle through these things. The install went great! Just couldnt' find answers to these particular questions!
Thanks SO MUCH!!