Hi mates,
We have some problem about this situation and code number fail. If you experienced with that problem before pls share your opinions with us.
First i want talk about DLP architecture. We have three server which are MS Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64.
First server ; Enforce + Endpoint + Oracle
Second server ; Network Discover + Data Insight
Third server ; Network Monitor (physical)
We are using one test IDM policy with four share path, this is PoC by the way but our customer is using DLP as product so we implemented the architecture as product. There is no problem with indexing everything is fine but we have getting started that code 3015 error "failed to load document profile" in these days, especially working days not weekends. Weekends there is no problem with loading document profile. 130 agent in use our customer corporation.
Also i want give you Enforce server hardware properties ;
HDD 100 GB + 1 TB
22 GB Ram
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645 @ 2.40 GHz 2.40 GHz
I want to learn critical information about how we can solve the problem when this fail code occurs.
Best Regards.