So I've made attribute lookups work for one domain, but the customer has another domain that they want to add agents to for Endpoint. I've got the original domain setup as a Base DN: dc=<country1>,dc=<company>,dc=<value> and they want to add another country. I added another Directory Connection to the additional domain with a Base DN: dc=<country2>,dc=<company>,dc=<value> and copied the attribute mapping over to the new LDAP Lookup Plugin. I've added it as a Dedicated Action and added it the chain as #1.
The sAMAccountName I am using to generate incidents is the same between the two domains, but it is only pulling LDAP info from the country1 domain. I put the country2 domain as the first in the chain and still getting the same results. My lookups look like this:
attr.Employee\ Code =:(|(mail=$sender-email$)(sAMAccountName=$file-owner$)(sAMAccountName=$endpoint-user-name$)):sAMAccountName
I've got both setup in the Plugin Chain as <country2> being #1 and <country1> being #2. Lookup pulls info from country1 even though the user is from country2. I turn off Dedicated Actions on country1, and the country 2 attributes are populated. When I turn Dedicated Actions back on to country1, lookup pulls again from country1 even though it was previously populated with country2 and country2 is setup as #1 in the chain.
Any idea?