I'm trying to do a unix filesystem scan (RedHat ES 4) using 11.6. I've installed the scan tool, setup a discover target and started the target scan, then started the FileSystemScanner_Console command. Nothing seems to be happening though.
My console just shows:
Nov 13, 2012 1:53:07 PM com.vontu.autonomy.controller.ScannerController main
INFO: starting ScannerController with args: ./../config/ScannerController.properties
Nov 13, 2012 1:53:09 PM com.vontu.autonomy.controller.ScannerController cleanWorkingDir
INFO: cleaning working directory: /opt/FileSystemScanner/bin/Clean
Nov 13, 2012 1:53:13 PM com.vontu.autonomy.controller.ScannerController logReader
Nov 13, 2012 1:53:15 PM com.vontu.autonomy.controller.ContentCollectorController start
INFO: starting ContentCollectorController
Nov 13, 2012 1:53:15 PM com.vontu.autonomy.controller.ProcessWrapper start
INFO: starting ProcessWrapper; command = /opt/FileSystemScanner/scanner/VontuFileSystemScanner.exe; image name = VontuFileSystemScanner.exe
All the processes seem to be running:
root 30458 19398 0 13:52 pts/147 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/FileSystemScanner_Console
root 30504 30458 0 13:52 pts/147 00:00:00 /opt/FileSystemScanner/jre/bin/java -Dinstall4j.jvmDir=/opt/FileSystemScanner/jre -Dexe4j.moduleName=/opt/FileSystemScanner/bin/FileSystemScanner_Console -Djava.util.logging.config.file=./../config/ScannerControllerLogging.properties -Di4j.vmov=true -Di4j.vmov=true -Di4j.vmov=true -Di4j.vmov=true -Di4j.vmov=true -classpath /opt/FileSystemScanner/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar:/opt/FileSystemScanner/lib/jar/discoverconnectorcontroller.jar com.install4j.runtime.Launcher launch com.vontu.autonomy.controller.ScannerController false false true true false true true 0 0 20 20 Arial 0,0,0 8 500 version 11.6 20 40 Arial 0,0,0 8 500 -1 ./../config/ScannerController.properties
root 30948 30504 0 13:53 pts/147 00:00:06 /opt/FileSystemScanner/scanner/VontuFileSystemScanner.exe
I've validated that port 8090 is opening and listening on the Discover server and that I can connect to it from the redhat box.
The scan started over 20 minutes ago and I've had no activity since. Can anyone help shead some light on this for me? Where should I be looking for why it's stalled? I don't see updates to any of the files or logs under /opt/FileSystemScanner since the scan started.