We are running PGP Universal 3.12 (Build 50) and would like to upgrade the server to Symantec Ecryption Management server 3.3
We have download the upgrade guide from the foillowing link and still have 3 questions
1) We would like to confirm 3.12 can be upgraded to 3.3 directly (provided that hardware meet the requirement)
2) After the server upgrade, will the client will be push automatically or it has to be download from the upgraded server and install manually for users
We do not want to push automatically to end users and would like to deployment client one by one.
3) When I login to download 3.3 upgrade, I found the followings avaliable to be download
Which one I should use? According to upgrade guide,
SymantecEncryption3.3.0_PUP.zip should be used, am I right?
What is the difference between those files?