I am getting stuck in the RS package wizard at the step for including a recovery certficate. My understanding is that this is the only method to provide recovery of an encrypted file if the user has forgotten their password. I have tried using certificates from my Windows 2003 server and my Win 7 client. Which ever I choose, I get the following error: "The certificate is invalid, blocked, or expired. Please select another certificate." I have verfied the the certificate is not expired. I suspect I am following an incorrect process or missing a step when exporting this certficate. I have been unable to get support from Symantec on this. I am told that certficate generation is outside their scope of support. Since this is an evaluation copy of the RS software, I will likely look for a different product if I cannot provide recovery service for my users with Symantec Endpoint RS.
Would someone who has successfully integrated the certificate with the package please provide a step by step guide on the process for creating this certificate?
Thank you.