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Vendor cannot decrypt my file

I need a solution


I encrypted a file but the bank said they got this error when trying to decrypt it - "The user has cancelled the current operation or the operation has been cancelled because of the BATCHMODE option."  Did I do something wrong or is the problem on the bank's side.  I am on PGP command line version 9.

Here is how I encrypted the file:

> pgp -vvv -esat test-pgp.txt -r ecgddd -u 0x39XXXFBA --passphrase "xxxxxxxxxx"
pgp:encrypt (3157:current local time 2013-05-14T14:02:10-07:00)
/home/jkw0/.pgp/pubring.pkr:open keyrings (1006:public keyring)
/home/jkw0/.pgp/secring.skr:open keyrings (1007:private keyring)
0x0YYY9D67:encrypt (1030:key added to recipient list)
0x39XXXFBA:encrypt (1050:key added as signer)
test-pgp.txt:encrypt (3048:data encrypted with cipher IDEA)
Encoding test-pgp.txt... 100% (0.0KB)
test-pgp.txt:encrypt (0:output file test-pgp.txt.asc)

> pgp  -vvv --verify test-pgp.txt.asc --passphrase "xxxxxxxxxx"
pgp:verify (3157:current local time 2013-05-16T09:47:13-07:00)
/home/jkw0/.pgp/pubring.pkr:open keyrings (1006:public keyring)
/home/jkw0/.pgp/secring.skr:open keyrings (1007:private keyring)
test-pgp.txt.asc:verify (3142:data is encrypted to key ID 0x0YYY9D67)
test-pgp.txt.asc:verify (3143:key belongs to 0x0YYY9D67 ecgddd <pgpadmin@yourbank.com>)
test-pgp.txt.asc:verify (1080:no private key could be found for decryption)


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